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“A jack of all trades is a master of none but oftentimes better than a master of one”
William Shakespeare

My fascination with design began in my single-digit years, and I quickly excelled every year from that point forward.

As a child, I always wanted to do things more uniquely, effectively, and over the top. Family, friends, and neighbors quickly acknowledged my talent, and some even encouraged me to push myself.

But, despite the accolades,
I wanted more.
I wanted to see more.
I wanted to learn more.
I wanted to do more.
And somehow, I wanted to express myself more.

a pond with colorful flowers and a building in the backgrounda castle with blue spiresa person in a garment

Early life

In 1978 I experienced something that would change my life forever. Early that year, my family and I took a trip to Disney World, and I witnessed extraordinary design in all its glory. I was so in awe of the immense talent it must have taken to make the dream of a visionary come to fruition. My future was decided at that moment, and I never looked back.

So, with that in mind, I set my goals and decided to do whatever it took to create that kind of beauty in the world. Then, knowing there would be no shortcut, I set out to get my degree in a related field. 

Design career

In 1987 I earned my Bachelor of Science degree in Landscape Architecture from Michigan State University and continued additional training in design at the Gloucester College of Arts in England. My education was essential to the journey, but I quickly realized the hands-on experiences would take me to the next level. So I worked. I created. I experienced. And I constantly challenged myself to do more and to do it better.

My thirst for design knowledge is always active and continues to move very fluidly. I have been fortunate to have my talents acknowledged in many public ways, including a national celebrity home Improvement series, numerous magazine articles, television appearances, and countless lectures. But the greatest acknowledgments have come from the clients I had the fortune of working with one-on-one.


My interests are vast in number and go far beyond design. Through music, I have experienced the highs and lows of my emotions. Viewing art, I have expanded my mind in ways once foreign to me. I have found satisfaction and a unique understanding of cultural diversities in food. And with fashion, I have been able to express myself in an ever-changing way.


As diverse as my list of interests is, one important quality binds them together. Psychology. This is the most critical and influential factor of all their qualities. It is primarily for this reason, and my understanding of psychology, I spend my time educating people on how to most effectively add enjoyment to their lives. After all, why make a random choice when you can make a better choice?

Proud Projects

This site is in no way an insult to any other design practices - including Feng Shui. However, there are some fundamental differences between Feng Shui and Kenn Shui. I admire and agree with many of their principles and that's why the title of my site is a play on words.

affiliate revenue
Palm Springs, CA
a bathroom with a large tub and a large mirror
a staircase leading to a building
a living room with a large window
a living room with a large pool
a large indoor swimming pool
a dining room with a large window
a room with a large screen
a bathroom with a large glass shower
a dining room with a large window
a swimming pool with chairs and a table in a room with a large window


Any variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable. If you


Interior design


affiliate revenue
Palm Springs, CA
a living room with a couch and a table
a table with chairs and a vase
a living room with a desk and a computer
a glass door with a view of a yard and trees
a living room with a fireplace
a bedroom with a bed and lamps
a living room with a fireplace


Any variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable. If you


Interior design


affiliate revenue
Palm Springs, CA
a living room with a colorful rug
a room with a bed and a chandelier
a modern looking living room with a large glass wall
a large indoor swimming pool
a room with a fireplace and a large glass wall
a building with a courtyard
a bathroom with a tub and sink
a kitchen with a large island


Any variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable. If you


Interior design


affiliate revenue
Palm Springs, CA
a house with a brick driveway
a courtyard with plants and a building
a building with a tile patio and a tile floor with potted plants
a courtyard with plants and a building
a swimming pool outside of a building
a courtyard with plants and a building


Any variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable. If you


Interior design


affiliate revenue
Palm Springs, CA
a bathroom with a large tub and a large mirror
a staircase leading to a building
a living room with a large window
a living room with a large pool
a large indoor swimming pool
a dining room with a large window
a room with a large screen
a bathroom with a large glass shower
a dining room with a large window
a swimming pool with chairs and a table in a room with a large window


Any variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable. If you


Interior design


affiliate revenue
Palm Springs, CA
a living room with a couch and a table
a table with chairs and a vase
a living room with a desk and a computer
a glass door with a view of a yard and trees
a living room with a fireplace
a bedroom with a bed and lamps
a living room with a fireplace


Any variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable. If you


Interior design



Kenn Shui VS Feng Shui

This site is in no way an insult to any other design practices — including Feng Shui. However, there are some fundamental differences between Feng Shui and Kenn Shui. Because I admire and agree with many of Feng Shui’s principles, Kenn Shui is simply a play on words.

willow trees

a willow tree with many branches
Feng Shui looks at willow trees as sad or unable to attract happy energy.
Kenn Shui looks at a willow tree as having the beautiful qualities of softness and grace while having a calm and relaxing effect on the viewer.
Kenn Shui  : “I see the Willow tree as representing strength through flexibility since it can withstand strong winds by swaying along with the breeze instead of fighting it and breaking. This is similar to how some people can deal with life’s weight and return to center once their life storm calms down versus breaking under pressure.”

From a landscape perspective, the willow tree helps bring one’s eye back down to the ground to view something below - such as a lake or flower bed - whereas some plants are meant to bring the eye upwards. This up-and-down and side-to-side movement is crucial to a landscape’s energy.


These are some of the general questions I am most often asked.

How long have you been in business?

I’ve been in business professionally since 1987. However, even as a kid, I was landscaping my parent’s and neighbors’ backyards.

Do you offer group classes?

Yes. I have done many group seminars and lectures throughout my career. I love the interaction and the creative questions. I always remember that no matter how much I have learned and how much has naturally come to me, there is always something more to learn from others. I love it when I see someone have a light bulb moment or when I have my own light bulb moment.

What are some of your most prominent ideas that have yet to come to fruition?

A particular, educational, and entertaining television show talking about the psychology of design (Kenn Shui)
A unique retirement village/nursing care facility that helps the residents keep their dignity.
A complete housing community using the psychology of design.
A line of products — in many categories — that are of high quality but very affordable.
A multi-season restaurant.
An intelligent hotel.
A re-vamp of the tired old shopping mall that would re-invigorate and actually be desired over other living environments.

Can an individual or company hire you for a personal consultation?

Absolutely. I do everything from a one-hour consultation to an entire project series of consultations and supervision.

Which one of your talents do you enjoy the most?

I love them all, and the fact that I can switch between them makes my life much more enjoyable.

Contact Kenn

Let me steer you in the right direction.