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Zoe sitting in leavesZoe ring a bell to comunicate with KennZoe standing on a pile of fur

& Grooming

Using the Kenn Shui method can lead to a happier, healthier, better-behaved, and more beautiful pet. As this section develops, we will give you ideas, examples of proper pet care, and professional tips.

Zoe standing on a rockZoe looking at the cameraZoe holding a stuffed animalKenn feeding a group of dogsZoe reading a book

Dog Grooming Techniques

Tools Of The Trade

Zoe standing on a stone surface
Zoe standing on a pile of fur

Meet Zoe, my miniature Goldendoodle. She has gone through many evolutions when it comes to hairstyles.


We all know it is essential to pay attention to your pet's comfort when having your pet groomed. However, you should also feel free to experiment with the look of your pet. If it is not a show animal, and the show look is unimportant to you, consider expressing your pet's personality through a creative cut.


This section will help pet owners learn how to care for their pets and avoid falling for tv and internet ads promising the next best thing.

Pets are a part of our families. Many of us celebrate their birthdays, include them in our holidays, and take them on trips. In this section, we will give you ideas and cautions where needed.

Zoe sitting on a tableZoe standing on a pumpkinZoe sitting in a chairKenn taking a selfie with Zoe

Hot Topics:

Zoe looking at a Kenn in a cage

In this section, we look forward to introducing you to new and proven pet products to make your pet's life happier.

Zoe sitting on a countera fireplace in a room

Ok, my little girl may be slightly spoiled. However, the special areas I have created for her, in the past, have inspired many people to create beautiful environments for their own pets. And, after all, there's nothing wrong with that 🐢 

a bedroom with a bed and a lamp

Home Grooming

The video below is just one example of what an owner can do, in between veterinarian or grooming visits, to help maintain their pet.


Here are some of the questions I'm most often asked about my approach to pets and grooming.

What's the best thing you've been able to teach your pets?

Definitely, the ability to communicate better. One of the best things I did was to teach my dog how to ring a bell when she needs to go to the bathroom.

Where did you learn how to groom your dog?

I watched the groomer a couple of times and also learned through a lot of trial and error. But, most importantly, I learned to buy good quality grooming tools β€” especially a professional hairdryer and clipper.

What is the hardest part of raising a pet for you?

Trying to satisfy their appetite without giving them table food or intensely flavored soft treats. Being regimented keeps my pet as healthy as possible. It's nice being told my dog doesn't need to have her teeth professionally cleaned as often as the average dog.

What area could most people improve on regarding their pets?

Unfortunately, quite a few people get pets but don't have the necessary time or space for them. Pet ownership comes with responsibilities. Trying to shortcut those responsibilities will lead to an unhappy pet. Instead, spend meaningful time with your pet, keep them clean, keep them safe, and visit the veterinarian regularly. Most importantly, give them all the love you have to offer!

Contact Kenn

Let me steer you in the right direction.