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Below you are offered 11 choices on how to view this website. As you will see, these choices will help you learn more about your preferences as well as your dislikes. Some of the color combinations may be difficult for you to read based on your ability to see differences in similar colors. All of this is intentional to help me learn more about you. At any time you may change your viewing experience by pressing on the (color wheel) at the top bottom of the page. Just another way Kenn Shui brings comfort to your daily living.

a golf course with trees and mountains in the backgrounda large wooden staircasea stone building with a bridge over watera room with a wood floor and a large windowa wall with a design on ita map of the world

& Photography

Proper Choices For The Desired Effect

a room with a wall of arta man painting a picturea sailboat in the oceana close-up of a necklace

Art and photography are two of the most effective ways to enhance a space when using Kenn shui. So many people purchase art for their homes and businesses to fill a wall's void or bring color and interest into that space. However, there is a much more impactful and meaningful way of choosing art and photography. ‍ ‍

“When a conscious effort is made to bring the desired emotion to a room or area, the results can be very satisfying and rewarding.”

Kenn Cross

Creator of Kenn Shui
Owner of Kenn Cross Concepts
Creator and former owner of Cakeypies
Creator and former owner of Cave Creek Contemporary
Creator and former owner of the Gentlemen's Martini Night events
Creator and former owner of Kenn's holiday of lights decorating service

Travel Photography

The best advice I can give someone while traveling is to take many photos. Even when you think you've taken the perfect sunset shot or captured something extraordinary in motion, having two or three choices can make all the difference in the world. You never know when the slightly adjusted angle or the two second time difference will capture a once-in-a-lifetime moment.

Going against your norm can also produce great shots. For example, taking an extreme close-up instead of capturing the entire object or scenery. Possibly taking the photo just after a rainstorm instead of rushing to grab the shot before it pours. Or, perhaps that test picture caught while trying to decide where to focus. In either case, sometimes the most unexpected circumstances lead to the best possible outcomes.

There are moments when I need more time to study what fascinates me. Photos help me go back and see what I missed.

a large building with a large gold ball in front of ita large green gardena group of white flowerspeople walking in the rain

It's all in the details

Get inspired by nature

Get inspired by architecture

Take it to the next level

Make it charming

a body of water with buildings along it with Grand Canal in the background
a man and a child looking at a fountain
a yellow car parked on a street
a sunset behind trees
a library with many bookshelves
a store with shelves of glass
a mountain with a tree in front of it
a pair of black boots
a tree with green leaves
a living room with a fireplace
a statue of a person next to a boat in a harbor
a room with a glass door and a glass wall with plants
a stone building with a stone archway
a building with arched windows
a town on the water with Hallstatt in the background
a stone building with trees in front of it
a building with a tower and trees in front of it
a sailboat in the ocean
a fire pit with a group of eggs in it
a group of people in clothing
a swimming pool with a deck
a view of a town from a stone archway
a small yellow and white house
a group of people sitting at tables
a fruit stand with fruits and vegetables
a castle on a hill


Here are some of the questions I'm most often asked about my approach to art and photography.

Do you consider yourself a professional artist or photographer?

Absolutely not. I'm just a guy who loves beautiful images and enjoys creating them. I also love giving people pointers on how to improve the art they make or the photos they take. I do this by making suggestions from a designer's eye focused on the composition's psychology.

Can you give me an example of what you mean by “more impactful or meaningful art”?

For example, when a conscious effort is made to select art that has colors matching those of the space surrounding it. Perhaps art that expresses the desired feeling for that space. Or maybe a piece of art whose size is so extreme it becomes a necessary statement for a room lacking a focal point. Perhaps a custom piece is created to compliment the architecture or draw attention away from an undesirable feature.

What are your inspirations for creating art?

I usually wait until I see something that intrigues me. It could be a metal sphere, a tree branch, a room divider, or even another piece of art. I then take those items and create art to resemble them using unexpected materials. When I make art, I often do so to fit a space as closely as possible. However, I usually cannot find pieces that are large enough, let alone appropriate for the room. It's then that I challenge myself to create the “perfect” piece.

What if I have an expensive piece of art that doesn't match my space?

This is a common problem I face in my client's new places. If it's doable, I alter the painting by changing the unwanted colors and replacing them with the colors I feel are appropriate. If you do not have that ability, I suggest hiring an artist to alter it for you. Many art students love doing this because it helps them understand different art forms and challenges them to modify the painting as the artist might have.

Contact Kenn

Let me steer you in the right direction.